Version 1.1

7th July 2006, 32 tables with 557 fields

The CTBT-laboratory tables have been modified by introducing 13 new fields.

  1. the usage of version number 1.1 in scripts and in the internal documentation of the developers refers consistently to this version, and
  2. the changes in CTBT-tables affects only the Finnish CTBT laboratory,

version number has not been changed.

Version 1.1 (preliminary release)

11th January 2005, 32 tables with 544 fields.

Under script testing at STUK from 7th December 2004.

Ready 3rd December 2004 (1.1 beta 4.7).

Table names

A new consistent naming convention, defying English, for all the tables was adopted requiring plural and dropping Data-endings. The changed names are (old ones in parenthesis): weathers (weather), stations (station), samplers (sampler), airFilterSOH (samplingSOH), airFilterSamples (samplingData), samples (sampleData), sources (source), detectors (detector), attenuators (attenuator), shields (shield), measurementSetups (measurementSetup), measurements (measurementData), calibrations (calibrationData), analyses (analysisData), peaks (peakData), lineAssociations (peakAssociations), activities (activityData), activityLimits (mda). Below we will use the new names.

Calibration and calibration point tracking

This is a major new feature facilitating tracking of the calibration history and the origin for each calibration point.

  1. A new table for calibration data points named calPoints was established. Its purpose is to provide detailed information of each calibration. Table calPoints establishes many-to-many relation between table calibrations and analyses/peaks. That provides the ability to base each calibration point to any peak in any analysis. On the other hand, any analysis and/or peak can now serve as a source for any calibration point. Adding this table made the fields calDataPairs and idMeas in table calibrations obsolete and they were removed.
  2. Calibration history tracking was also improved by adding field inputIdCal to table calibrations. The field points to a calibration, if any, that has been a basis for this calibration. Following the chain backwards all the members of the chain can be reached. In order to further support this feature a Boolean field changed was added. This is useful since the full calibration (idCal) must always be saved even if only one calibration type (idCal.calTypeId) has been changed.
  3. For further information on the calibration a field class was added to table calibrations. This field provides information on the origin of this calibration, whether it has been obtained with the spectrum, is a State-Of-Health-update of the calibration, etc. As a consequence table calDataSOH has been removed.
  4. To ease the tracking the field creationTime was forced to NOT NULL.

Calibration usage in analysis

This major new feature provides information on which calibrations have been used and how they are used in analyses.

  1. For the purpose a new table calPreferences was postulated. It provides also a many-to-many relationship between table analyses and calibrations (primary keys: idCal and idAnalysis, other fields:usedInAnalysis (Boolean)). At this time, however, we are not interested on how the calibrations have been produced but how they have been used in analyses. Analysis software may have several alternative calibrations available for a given spectrum but only one can be chosen to provide the analysis results. For that idCal.idAnalysis only the field usedInAnalysis is TRUE.
  2. In order to be able to make source geometry corrections to calibrations the analysis software needs to have access to the reference source of the measurement setup, measurementSetups.sourceId .as well as to the source measured, measurements.sourceId. The latter was missing, i.e., now field sourceId has been added to table measurements.
  3. Since table calPreferences provides the relation between tables analyses and calibrations the field idCal has been removed from table analyses.

Calibration samples

Tables for defining calibration samples were defined. These tables are used if field sampleProductionTable in table samples is calibrationSamples. These tables provide the information of the calibration samples (most importantly the contained nuclides and their certified activities), their certificates and nuclear data used in connection of the analysis of these samples. The following new tables have been defined: calibrationSamples, calibrationNuclides, and calibrationLibraries.

CTBT-laboratory tables

Tables for radionuclide laboratories of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty were added. These tables support the protocol used within CTBT when sending samples to radionuclide laboratories for measurement and analysis. These tables are used if field sampleProductionTable in table samples is ctbtLabSamples. The following new tables have been defined: ctbtLabSamples, ctbtMessages, ctbtTransports, ctbtRecipients, and ctbtSampleTrackings.

Control of combined and split samples

Some (daughter) samples may be a result of splitting, or combining, one or more (parent)samples. If we have the information of the parent-daughter-relationships, however complicated it may be, we can store it in a new table sampleSplitCombines. The primary keys are parentIdSample and daughterIdSample, which provide many-to-many-relationship between the samples in table samples. Other relevant fields in table sampleSplitsCombines are activityBranching and method.

Mobile coordinates

Experiences gained in SONNI dictated the following additions to table mobileCoordinates.

  1. A new primary key idPosition was added. The name of mobileTimeId was changed to positionTime and its type changed from primary key to ordinary field.
  2. The name of the field gpsName was changed to positionSource and its type changed to primary key.
  3. The type of the field idMeas was changed to foreign key. Foreign key idSample was added.
  4. The name of posDilPfPrecision was changed to pDOP. Fields hDOP and vDOP were added.
  5. Since x- and y-coordinates of position are not necessarily the longitude and latitude the names of the fields were changed to xCoordinate and yCoordinate.
  6. Still two new fields were added: positionType, fix

Nuclide ratios

  1. To facilitate simple time zero calculations based only on the information obtainable from LINSSI following fields were added to table nuclideRatios. Half-lives and their uncertainties of both nuclides, i.e., firstHalflife, uncFirstHalflife, secondHalflife, uncSecondHalfLife and halflifeUnit. Branching ratio and its uncertainty, i.e., netBranching and uncNetBranching. Activity ratio at zero time and its uncertainty, i.e., zeroRatio, uncZeroRatio.
  2. Names of ratioFirstToSecond and uncRatio were changed to refRatio and uncRefRatio, respectively.
  3. Asymmetric uncertainty of zeroTime was added, i.e., uncZeroTimeLow, uncZeroTimeHigh.

Miscellaneous changes

The changes below are shown for each table. Table ordering is the same as in the manual. Unrelated changes are shown as separate items. The changes already described above are not presented here.

  1. All tables. The lengths of the varchar fields were restricted to following values 4, 8, 10, 20, 40, 80, and 255=max. The existing lengths were rounded upwards to the nearest acceptable value.
  2. Table samples. Field split was changed to splitSymbol (varchar) to support the now depreciated split naming concept of the CTBTO. A Boolean field split was added to inform that the sample is a result of splitting its parent(s).
  3. Table samples. A new field sampleReceivedBy was added.
  4. Table samples. The name of the field samplingTableName was changed to sampleProductionTable, which more properly describes its meaning now that we have postulated three types of sample production methods: airFilterSamples (old samplingData), calibrationSamples, and ctbtLabSamples.
  5. Table sources. Fields idSample and preparationMethod have been added.
  6. Table measurementSetups. New fields blankIdAnalysis and bacgroundIdAnalysis were added. These fields point to table analyses that provides the results of the background and blank measurement for this measurement setup.
  7. Table analyses. Fields strippedSpectrum (spectrum minus peak functions) and peakSearchSignificance (peak significance at each channel of the spectrum given by the peak search algorithm) have been added.
  8. Table peaks. The name of the field searchSens was changed to searchSignificance in order to be consistent with peakSearchSignificance.
  9. Table peaks. Field peakOrigin was added. This is a character string providing a set of flags denoting the peak origin. As a consequence the fields multiplet and inserted were removed.
  10. Table lineAssociations (ex peakAssociations). For evaluation of the analysis results the following Boolean fields were added: primaryLine, ThresholdLine, found, foundClose and lineSignificance (double). Boolean fields neutronScatter and neutronCapture were added to support additional line types.
  11. Table lineAssociations (and activities). In order to support off-line, possibly manual, activity calculations fields uncLineEnergy, emissionProb, and uncEmisssionProb were added (and the corresponding fields from table activities removed).A Boolean field actMan was added. This field informs if the line has been used in calculation of actRawMan.
  12. Table activities. See table lineAssociations above.
  13. Table activities. Fields CCfactor and uncCCfactor were removed since they were already in table lineAssociations.
  14. Table activities. Fields netCountRate, uncNetCountRate, efficiency, and uncEfficiency were removed since they were already in table peaks.
  15. Table activities. The requirement for actRawLSQ and actRawPriline to be interference corrected was removed and Boolean fields interfCorrLSQ and interfCorrPriLine were added to inform whether the interference correction has been applied or not.
  16. Table activities. Fields actRawMan, uncActRawMan, and actRawManMethod(varchar) were added to support off-line, possibly manual, activity (actRawMan) calculations.
  17. Table activities. Boolean field actSelect was added. The field informs which activity has been deemed the correct one by the analyst. The possible values are: LSQ, PRI, MAN corresponding the three activities provided in the table.
  18. Table activities. All the decay corrected activities were removed since they are readily available from the raw activities (actRawLSQ, actRawPriLine, actRawMan) using the correction factors of the table.
  19. Table activities. Irradiation correction irrCorr and its uncertainty uncIrrCorr were added. This correction can be used to calculate saturation activities.
  20. Table finalResults. Field idResult was removed. Boolean field lowQualitySpectrum was added. Field projectFileName was replaced with field projectFile (longblob).

Version 1.01

4th February 2004, 26 tables with 499 fields

In operation at the FiNDC from 9th February 2004.

  1. Table name sourceData changed to source.
  2. Foreign key idSample removed from source.
  3. Field overallAct moved from source to sampleData
  4. Fields sourceReady and preparedBy moved to measurementData.
  5. Field idSource (int) changed to sourceId (varchar) in source and measurementSetup.
  6. Foreign key detectorId removed from measurementData.
  7. Field isBackground added to activityData.

Version 1.0

26th January 2004, 26 tables with 500 fields

The database schema was frozen today with the last changes given below. Manual updating and proof reading are still pending.

  1. Prefix eff for effective was added to fields halflife, halflifeUnit, uncHalflife, i.e., they were changed to effHalflife, effHalflifeUnit, uncEffHalflife in table activityData. This was done a) because the halflife is effective, b) to accommodate the calibration certificate and library extension being developed for a later version of Linssi.
  2. Fields filterFactor, filterPower, carbonFactor, carbonPower were changed to flowFactor1, flowPower1, flowFactor2, flowPower2 in table sampler. These parameters describe the flow meters in a two channel sampler. They have nothing to do with the filters in these channels.

Version 1.0beta8.6

22nd January 2004

  1. Field weatherTimeId renamed to weatherTimeStartId and added weatherTimeEnd in table weather. Now we have both the staring and ending time of the weather report period in Linssi. Earlier version required continuous availability of the reports.
  2. Boolean field correctedToNTP has been added to samplingData and samplingSOH.
  3. Field sourceDiam renamed to sourceDiam1 and added sourceDiam2 to table source. Now we have room for outer and inner source diameters.
  4. Field creationDate renamed to creationTime in tables calData and calDataSOH for consistency reasons.
  5. Field energyPriLine renamed to energy and added uncEnergy to table activityData. Ordering of the table has been changed; first library info of the nuclide and line parameters, then info at the peak associated with the primary line, then activities, then decay corrections.

Version 1.0beta8.5

20th January 2004

  1. Defaults removed, i.e., defaults are all null.
  2. Field stationId in table sampler renamed to stationName, which is not a foreign key.
  3. Fields pressDiff and airVolume in table samplingDataSOH replaced with fields pressDiff1, airVolume1, pressDiff2 and airVolume2.
  4. A foreign key stationId added to table samplingData.
  5. Volume and pressure difference fields in table samplingData have been replaced with airVolume, airVolume1, pressDiff1Start, pressDiff1End, airVolume2, pressDiff2Start, pressDiff2End.
  6. Field analysisMethod removed from table analysisData.
  7. Fields kAlpha and kBeta changed to alpha and beta in table analysisData.
  8. Fields blankCps, uncBlankCps and blankType added to table peakData.
  9. Fieldnames of coincSumPeak and randomSumPeak changed to coincSum and randomSum in table peakAssociations
  10. Field idRatio removed from table nuclideRatios. Fields firstNuclideId and secondNuclideId moved immediately after idAnalysis. This triplet forms the primary key.
  11. Field projectFilename (type blob) added to table finalResults.

Version 1.0beta8.3

15th January 2004

  1. Web pages opened for limited access. Manual uploaded.
  2. Field useThisCalibration removed from table calData.
  3. Field idCal added to table measurementSetup.

For older versions below the release notes are available in Finnish.

Version 1.0beta7

8th January 2004. 26 tables, 486 fields

Version 1.0beta6

8th December 2003. 26 tables 477 fields

In operation at the FiNDC from mid-December 2003 to 2nd February 2004

Version 1.0beta5

7th November 2003. 25 tables, 466 fields

Version 1.0beta4

5th November 2003. 25 tables, 459 fields

Version 1.0beta3

17th October 2003. 24 tables, 444 fields

Version 1.0beta2

16th October 2003. 22 tables, 428 fields

Version 1.0beta1

13th October 2003. 22 tables, 426 fields

Version 0.9

27th June 2003. 22 tables, 365 fields

In operation at the FiNDC from July 2003 to mid-November 2003

Version 0.8

19th February 2003. 22 tables, 342 fields

Version 0.7

September 2002. 7 tables

In operation at the FiND from October 2002 to June 2003